tirsdag den 14. februar 2017

I did it 😄 Now completely of sugar! On to Step 7

Eliminate soy and gluten

Like sugar this is a tough one, because we have to read the ingredients of all our foods, you'll be surprised to see how often sugar, gluten or soy is added to the things we eat.

This is all part of being conscious about what you eat, so don't kill your self... Getting fanatic is not the point, but try the elimination for some time and see if you feel different. You might feel the difference when you carefully start eating normal again.

I must admit while cutting sugar out of my diet, and checking all ingredients, I also cut back on these to so I am ahead for once 😉 In a short while I'm also of soy and gluten

mandag den 6. februar 2017

Step 6 No caffeine or alcohol

To some people this might be a tough challenge, if so I recommend a slow cut back like I do with the sugar. It might take a couple of days to get rid of the abstinence.

I mean changing your diet is hard and it can give you heavy headaches, because the body responds. It says; HEY there is something missing. Your body craves to get the things and foods it is used to, even though those things might be unhealthy.

While struggling with my withdrawal symptoms I move to the next step which, to me, is easy enough. Eliminating alcohol and caffeine... I did that when I got pregnant 🤰 and now breastfeeding my baby girl I find no reason to start😉 I honestly don't even miss any of it. I had a cup of coffee at a friends house the other day and it gave me a cold sweat.

When I've reached my goal and freed myself from a heavy sugar addiction I will continue with the next steps

No sugar!!

Day 5 No sugar!!

Yes, the next step is NOT only to cut back on sugary food, but to eliminate sugar from your diet entirely 😳

This challenge always takes me more than a day to achive...

That's why I like to call it step five. From now on I do my yoga, green smoothie and lots of veggies. Then the elimination of sugar is an ongoing process.

When I've reached the goal and freed myself from a heavy sugar addiction I will continue with the next steps

søndag den 5. februar 2017

Take a break once in a while😉

Hi there

Yesterday was packed with plans, that's why I took the day off.

I find that sticking to a diet is hard especially in the weekends, but I guess the important thing is not to beat you self up about it, but welcome the break and continue your project the next day.

You may feel a little unsatisfyed and doubt your self, but don't!
It's okay to slip as long as you get up afterwards💪

Now it's Sunday and while my baby 😴 I enjoy my green smoothie and plan the upcoming week

fredag den 3. februar 2017

Uh I nearly forgot! Day 4

Today is Friday and I do a post natal Pilates class every friday, that was my physical training today.

I also kept my water balance and reached the 2l.

The green smoothie was great, swooped the strawberries with blueberries fun color and great taste😋

The new challenge on day four has to do with conscious eating. Choosing the green and healthy foods.

As you might have noticed we ad a new challenge every day, and keep trying to meet all the goals every day.

It is going to be hard work, and I know some of the challenges are not advisable for me right now because I am Brest-feeding my two months old baby 👶 Never the less it can't be bad to focus on a more heathy diet.

torsdag den 2. februar 2017

Water challenge Day 3

Day three

Today you should try to drink more 💦 water.
Yes about 2 l. pure, still water

Try variations in the green smoothie😜
I added avocado 🥑 To my smoothie today, it gives a nice creamy consistency

Continue the yoga routine 🙏🏼

onsdag den 1. februar 2017

Cleansing Yoga Day 2

Day Two of my maternity project cleansing yoga and concise eating.

Yoga of course 🙏🏼
I did a bunch of sun salutations followed by my favorite shoulder poses, srretching my sore suckle muscles 💪 - meaning arms, shoulders and upper back.

I started out with a green smoothie
A banana, some frozen strawberries 🍓Spinach leafs, grated ginger and water 💦